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Mercedes de Prada

Academic director and head of the legal clinic.

Academic director and head of the legal clinic.


Mercedes de Prada Rodríguez holds a PhD in Law from Complutense University of Madrid, earning unanimous honours (cum laude) and an extraordinary doctorate award. She is accredited by ANECA as a full professor. She was also granted a six-year research period. She is a member of the Madrid Bar Association. She has been the academic director of Centro de Estudios Garrigues since January 2020. She is also the director of the Centro de Estudios Garrigues Legal Clinic.

Since 2000, she has been an honorary fellow of the department of procedural law at Complutense University of Madrid. She has published various monographs, chapters, articles, and speeches; and has contributed to editions of the Spanish Law of Civil Procedure with jurisprudential comments for the Madrid Bar Association. She has directed and co-directed various collective works (‘El derecho a la verdad’, Tirant lo Blanch) and journals (‘Revista de innovación docente en derecho y empresa’, Civitas-Thomson), as well as being deputy director of ‘Anuario jurídico’ (Civitas-Thomson). She sits on the academic committee of various Spanish and international legal journals. She is a member of numerous R&D and teaching innovation projects in various universities (Centro de Estudios Garrigues, Complutense University of Madrid, University of Girona, UNED, University of Burgos, University of A Coruña). She is principal researcher of the comparative study on and applications of transparency and access to information in the Ibero-American Space project, financed by the Spanish National Institute of Public Administration (INAP). She is co-director of doctoral theses. She has carried out multiple research periods at the University of London, as part of research and development projects. She has organised and taken part in congresses, conferences, seminars, briefings, and round table events (Madrid Bar Association, Rey Juan Carlos University, Complutense University of Madrid School of Legal Practice, CUNEF University, Centro de Estudios Garrigues), and has led teacher training courses at Menéndez Pelayo International University (Santander).

For fourteen years, she was director of the law and business department at Universidad Villanueva, a school affiliated with Complutense University of Madrid. She was director of the bachelor in law, of the master of access to the legal profession, of the legal clinic, of the programme in criminology and forensic sciences, and of the master in digital law, entrepreneurship, and technology. Between 2002 and 2019, she taught advanced procedural practice at the Complutense University of Madrid School of Legal Practice. She is a professor of procedural law for bachelor’s and master’s programmes of access to the legal profession at multiple universities: Complutense University of Madrid, Rey Juan Carlos University, Universidad Villanueva, Madrid Bar Association, and Centro de Estudios Garrigues. She is featured on Instituto Cervantes’ Lifelong Learning Teacher Training Register and is a lecturer at Menéndez Pelayo International University.

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