International Congress: "The humanisation of justice in the new horizon of disability".

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  • International Congress: "The humanisation of justice in the new horizon of disability".

International conference on ‘The humanisation of justice and the new horizon of disability’

March 18 2022

From 28 February to 1 March, Centro de Estudios Garrigues had the privilege of hosting an international conference entitled ‘The humanisation of justice and the new horizon of disability: a definitive commitment to the rights, wishes, preferences, and will of people with disabilities’. This scientific event was held within the framework of three different research projects and organised by Centro de Estudios Garrigues in partnership with UNED and the University of Vigo. During the two days of the conference, participants explored the main innovations introduced by Law 8/2021, of 2 June, on the reform of civil and procedural legislation to support people with disabilities in the exercise of their legal capacity.

Several leading researchers and legal experts in the field of disability had the opportunity to discuss the progress made by this law in the regulation of the rights of people with disabilities, as well as analyse the substantive and procedural implications of the new disability model introduced by the law. This model has raised countless questions with regard to its application — especially in procedural terms — and affects judges, prosecutors, lawyers, notaries, registrars, and social workers, and calls for the involvement of society as a whole.

We are very grateful to everyone who has contributed to the success of this event, including the distinguished speakers, contributors, and attendees, as well as to conference directors Sonia Calaza López and Esther Pillado González, coordinator Mercedes de Prada Rodríguez, and secretary María Jesús Sande. Thank you for organising and bringing this wonderful initiative to fruition.

Meet all the participants in the conference


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