The jury of the Young Lawyers Award — composed of José Maria Alonso Puig (president), Eduardo Maria Valpuesta Gastaminza, Pablo Olábarri Gortázar, José Ramón Martínez Jiménez (who apologised for his absence), and Alberto de Martín Muñoz (who served as secretary) — met on 23 May 2022, at 10 a.m., at Centro de Estudios Garrigues, Avenida Fernando Alonso 8.
Having considered the written presentations and subsequent oral defences of the case brought before it, the jury passed the following
FIRST: To unanimously award the twenty-second edition of the Young Lawyers Award, held by Garrigues and Centro de Estudios Garrigues, to the following participants:
- first prize to Begoña Olaizola Zárraga;
- second prize to Francisco Javier Galindo Giménez; and
- third prize to Claudia Rosales Rivas.
SECOND: To award a diploma accrediting the following participants as finalists of the twenty-second edition of the Young Lawyers Award:
- Jesús Andreu Pérez-Cuadrado;
- Paula del Barrio Torres;
- Juan Delgado Giner;
- Víctor González Vitón;
- Edurne Beatriz Lamoneda Gavito;
- Miguel Larragay Coscolluela;
- Jilin Ye Lin;
- Christian López Torres; and
- Alejandro Uriz Lucientes.
THIRD: To thank all participants and congratulate them on their work.