Legal English Program
Legal English Program (TOLES) & Anglo-American Law Program

Students have the possibility to apply for Centro de Estudios Garrigues Legal English Program, or Anglo American Law Program, as separated programs. Also those who would be interesting in getting an in depth knowledge in legal English, could apply for both programs, regarding that the sessions are scheduled in different time-table.

  • Cursos de especialización
  • Legal English Program (TOLES) & Anglo-American Law Program
OverviewProgram structureEnrollment InformationSection Name

Legal English Program (TOLES)

Law firms, legal consultancy offices and corporate legal departments demand professionals who can demonstrate their knowledge of legal English with a high-quality training program.

Furthermore, the ability to communicate professionally in English has become essential for success in the international workplace. To be able to compete effectively in today’s global economy, businesses must hire and invest in people whose command of English is commensurate with their particular profession.

In order to provide lawyers and future legal professionals with in-depth knowledge of legal English, and drawing on its experience in recent years as an ILEC exam preparation center, Centro de Estudios Garrigues has designed a specialized Legal English Program involving preparation for TOLES (Test of Legal English Skills) exam that will allow students to improve their all-round English communication skills.

To round out training in legal English and ensure that students receive an introduction to the fundamentals of common law, Centro de Estudios Garrigues offers the chance to obtain a Certificate in Anglo-American Law by completing a specialized module.

Start date

November 2025




Part Time



Solicita información

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Competencias Curso Legal English Program

Aims and outcomes

  • To provide students with the key skills required to practice competitively as international lawyers.
  • To gain an in-depth understanding of international negotiations, contracts, common law, conflict of laws, international treaties and dispute resolution.

Legal English Program & Anglo American Law Program

Program Structure

Legal English Program

The legal proffesion & the Common Law
Company Law & Business Structures
Employment Law
Banking & Finance
Tax Law

Anglo American Law Program

Fundamentals of American Law: "Why are we here?"U.S. Contract Law
U.S. Governmental Structure and historyU.S. Contract (II) & Business Law
Anglo-American Legal Methodoloy U.S. Criminal Procedure
Case Analysis and Case BriefsInternational Tax Law
U.S. Constitutional LawTort Law

Enrollment Information


The program will be developed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays from November to June.

Who should attend

  • Practicing lawyers with all levels of experience and responsibility.
  • Members of in-house legal departments of companies, that want to develop their legal English skills.
  • Last year’s students, graduates or postgraduates who need to supplement their training, obtaining an official certificate to guarantee their knowledge of legal English.

Aplication Fees

The application fee for the full program is €5,000.

A discount of 25% will apply for two or more applications from the same company.

Former alumni of Centro de Estudios Garrigues will receive a 30% discount on the full course or on each program. Students have the option of applying for just one program.

The fees for each program are:

  • Centro de Estudios Garrigues Legal English Program (TOLES) – €3.300.
  • Anglo American Law Program – €1,700.

The Centro de Estudios Garrigues Legal English Program includes the TOLES exam course book and documentation containing expressions, vocabulary, exercises, practice tests, etc. The Anglo-American Law Program includes detailed documentation on contracts, case studies, etc.

The TOLES examination will be held at Centro de Estudios Garrigues. Exam fees are not included in the application fee.

Toles Legal English Certificate

The TOLES (Test of Legal English Skills) certificate is issued by the TOLES Global Legal English Organization, a member of the International Division of the Law Society of England and Wales. The TOLES exam is offered at three levels: Foundation (beginner level), Higher (intermediate level), and Advanced (advanced level). The test is designed to assess candidates’ reading, writing, drafting and listening skills.

Law firms and organizations that have already entered candidates for the TOLES exams include: The Law Society of England and Wales, Linklaters Oppenhoff and Rädler, Allen&Overy LLP, Baker and McKenzie, PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG, the European Court of Justice and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, among others.

Certificate in Anglo-American Law

Centro de Estudios Garrigues offers the possibility of obtaining the Certificate in Anglo-American Law by attending the program designed to study the fundamental aspects of common law and the basic legal aspects of international relations.

This program is focused on common law, further than legal English, in order to complement students with the basics on the Anglo American Regulatory System.


Contact person for application: Ms. Solange Meneses

Candidates will perform an initial test to assess their true English level to ensure that they are properly placed.