Business English Certificate
Business English Certificate

Centro de Estudios Garrigues is an official preparation center for the BEC by Cambridge University

  • Cursos de especialización
  • Business English Certificate
OverviewProgram structureEnrollment Informationinformation of interest

Business English Certificate

Globalization has paved the way for citizens and companies alike to operate across an array of countries. An exponential increase in transnational relations calls for professionals capable of handling all kinds of documents and proficient in international communication skills.

International companies, financial firms and consulting companies require professionals to prove their knowledge of Business English with a high quality training program and an official certificate.

In a bid to round out its Legal English Training Program and ensure that students receive official certification, Centro de Estudios Garrigues offers participants the chance to study Business English in greater depth with a program whose main aim is to train participants in all of the areas necessary to obtain the official BEC (Business English Certificate) from the University of Cambridge.

Start date

November 2025




Part Time



Solicita información

Llámanos al +34 662 98 80 37 o déjanos tus datos y nos pondremos en contacto contigo.
Los datos consignados en este formulario serán tratados por el responsable del tratamiento, CENTRO EUROPEO DE ESTUDIOS Y FORMACIÓN EMPRESARIAL GARRIGUES, S.L. (en adelante, CEG), con la finalidad de gestión de la presente solicitud, la gestión de actividades varias para las cuales entrega sus datos, así como la remisión de publicidad y actividades de CEG que pudieran ser de su interés a través de medios postales, telefónicos o electrónicos (correo electrónico, SMS, mensajería y otros medios de comunicación electrónica). La base para el tratamiento de los datos personales facilitados al amparo de la presente solicitud se encuentra en el desarrollo y ejecución de la relación formalizada con el titular de los mismos, así como en el cumplimiento de obligaciones legales de CEG y el consentimiento inequívoco del titular de los datos. Los datos facilitados en virtud de la presente solicitud se incluirán en un fichero automatizado cuyo responsable es CEG, con domicilio a estos efectos en la Avenida de Fernando Alonso nº 8, 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid). Asimismo, de no manifestar fehacientemente lo contrario, el titular consiente expresamente el tratamiento automatizado total o parcial de dichos datos por el tiempo que sea necesario para cumplir con los fines indicados. El titular de los datos tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, limitar su tratamiento, oponerse al tratamiento y ejercer su derecho a la portabilidad de los datos de carácter personal, todo ello de forma gratuita, tal como se detalla en la información completa sobre protección de datos, en el enlace Usted podrá revocar el consentimiento otorgado para la recepción de comunicaciones comerciales o promocionales en cualquier momento, dirigiéndose al responsable del tratamiento en la dirección Avenida de Fernando Alonso nº 8, 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid), o enviando un mensaje de correo electrónico a la dirección, indicando en el asunto la referencia “revocación de publicidad”
Consiente el  tratamiento de sus datos con el fin de recibir comunicaciones comerciales
Qué vas a aprender

Aims and outcomes

  • To provide all those who pursue their professional career in areas such as finance, human resources, marketing, etc. with an English training program that enables them to obtain the BEC (Business English Certificate) from the University of Cambridge.
  • To train participants in terminology, expressions, concepts, styles, etc, that allow them to confidently develop their professional skills on an international stage..
  • To enable students to showcase their ability to communicate in English with clients and colleagues.


Real-life scenarios, dynamics and role plays will be created to stimulate students and help them overcome certain fears and inhibitions. Oral mastery drills encouraging the student’s individual participation in group meetings. Business writing skills and exercises will be performed weekly, allowing students to improve their writing skills at any given level. Grammar points and thorough explanations will be covered to consolidate a solid structure and foundation of the language.

Program Structure

Business English Certificate

Program Structure
Corporate Management
Marketing Management
Sales and Advertising Management
Financial Management
Human Resources Management
Other Business Issues
Business English Grammar

Enrollment Information


Timetable from November 2024 to June 2025

Who should attend

  • Professionals with any level of professional experience or responsibility who are exposed to international business issues and transactions.
  • Final-year students, graduates and postgraduates who need to round out their training in a practical and realistic manner, obtaining an official Business English Certificate in the process.

Aplication Fees

The application fee for the program is 3.300 €.

A discount of 25% will be applied in the case of two or more applications from the same company.

Past students of Centro de Estudios Garrigues will receive a 30% discount (2.100 €).

Included at the official book “Business Benchmark” updated edition + audio CD’s published by Cambridge University Press and complementary documentation about expressions, vocabulary, texts, mock examination papers, etc.


Candidates will receive an official Certificate from Centro de Estudios Garrigues at the end of the course. In addition, they will receive an official certificate from Cambridge ESOL if the exam is passed.

The BEC comprises reading, writing, listening and speaking tests. In the BEC Preliminary examination, the reading and writing tests take the form of one question paper. In the BEC Vantage and Higher examinations, there are separate reading and writing papers. Each test is based on realistic business texts, tasks and topics.

The BEC is proof that students have acquired the necessary English tools and are able to use them in a business context.

The BEC is also based on the UK Qualifications and Curriculum Authority’s National Standards for Literacy, within the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).

Students must provide evidence of their ability to use English in real life situations such as meetings, expressing professional opinions, delivering public presentations, understanding business texts, etc.


Contact person for application: Ms. Solange Meneses

Candidates will perform an initial test to assess their true English level to ensure that they are properly placed.